This is a maintenance release as part of the ongoing effort to support our users and fix bugs and annoyances. If you think you can support the project with some code changes or your artistic or writing talent, please take
Sailing the islands of Kornati
After a 3 year pause due to the Corona pandemic, I joined the Lageschieber people for a sailboat trip again. The last ones I participated in all took place in the Aegean sea but this time we sailed the coast
Christmas 2021 …
… is already a few days ago and I finally come around to share one of my gifts with the KDE community. After 7 years I replaced (actually had to replace) my old mobile with a new one. The new
Steinbach repariert – Training session
In late 2019 some friends and I (all with an engineering background) started a local repair initiative. The idea was born soon after I fixed that sailboard electric system and two of my friends where with me on that trip
KMyMoney 5.1.2 released
The KDE conference Akademy is in full swing and the KMyMoney development team today announces the immediate availability of version 5.1.2 of its open source Personal Finance Manager. This is a maintenance release as part of the ongoing effort to
Akademy 2021 – III
On Sunday, I made it to all but the last one of the presentations and talks I wanted to go. The session about porting applications to Qt6 was very interesting and I made a few notes that I may later
Akademy 2021 – II
I was able to see a few more presentations than anticipated. The most inspiring was the one given by Patricia Aas I Can’t Work Like This. Based on a fictive story (with a lot of real background) she explained the
Akademy 2021 – I
I am still digesting the load of information that Marc Mutz gave in his intense training session last night between 6 and almost 11 p.m. about C++/STL history, containers, iterators, allocators, the Non-Owning Interface Idiom and all that other good
More (Linux) audio fun
In an earlier post I wrote about the fun I had while automatically switching between the built-in mic and the headset mic once the headset is plugged into the jack and thought it could not get worse. I should be
Welcoming GSoC 2021 students
After gaining some experience being a GSoC (backup) mentor last year I am mentoring a GSoC student again this year. As it worked out to have a co-mentor, I could convince Ralf to join me in this role to support