I am still digesting the load of information that Marc Mutz gave in his intense training session last night between 6 and almost 11 p.m. about C++/STL history, containers, iterators, allocators, the Non-Owning Interface Idiom and all that other good stuff. Great job Marc.

Today, the talk session starts and I have picked a few talks and presentations that I want to attend. Let’s see how that fits with the other things going on in my life. Here’s my plan for today:

  1. KDE is All About the Apps – as an app developer in the community this seems to be a must
  2. Health Analysis of the KDE Community – Curiosity drives me there
  3. Collabora Office Hour – Alvaro is a former KMyMoney dev -> a must
  4. What’s cooking for the KDE Frameworks 6 – I just follow the Qt6 port on an irregular basis, so it’s time to catch up
  5. C++ Coroutines and Qt – General interest in new C++ language features
  6. KF6 the Architecture Overview – Companion to 4. (which I may miss) and it’s always good to know about the big picture

And maybe I roam around in one or the other additional session. See you soon then (once I win over the technical details).

Akademy 2021 – I