I was able to see a few more presentations than anticipated. The most inspiring was the one given by Patricia Aas I Can’t Work Like This. Based on a fictive story (with a lot of real background) she explained the Cynefin framework No, this is not a new UI or Qt based framework. The idea of the Cynefin framework is that it offers decision-makers a “sense of place” from which to view their perceptions. Unfortunately, I missed Nicolas Fella’s What’s cooking for KDE Frameworks 6. Coincidentally, I was preparing dinner at the time. This also cost me the first minutes of Dan Vratil’s C++ Coroutines and Qt. I compensated that by watching Dave Edmundson’s talk about Wayland for Qt application developers. Until yesterday, I thought Qt will abstract everything away from the application and we don’t have to do anything within KMyMoney, but now I know better. Thanks Dave. Guess I have to start playing with Wayland then in the near future just to avoid surprises in the future.

Today I am planning to see the following presentations/talks:

  1. Plasma: Work from Home Edition – As a somewhat new remote worker this seems interesting
  2. Growing a KDE Video Community – I watched one or two of Niccolò’s video and always wanted to have some for KMyMoney
  3. Porting user applications to Qt6 – Guess what?
  4. Developing products that break out of our bubble(s) – I am always surprised how many people use our software. Let’s see what Neofytos has to say.
  5. The Art of Logging – A thing that is sleeping in the back of my head for KMyMoney for a long time
  6. How we can solve the personal data problem – KMyMoney is all about personal data: your finances!
  7. Journey from a Farm Girl to Holograms – Hopefully, I will not be sleeping by then …

Akademy 2021 – II