KMyMoney as a financial application deals with numbers a lot. As a KDE application, it supports internationalization (or i18n for short) from the very beginning. For accuracy reasons it has internal checks to verify the numbers a user can enter.
Electric circuits on a sailboat
For the fourth time I went on an 8 day sailboat trip in the Aegean Sea along with a group of sailing enthusiasts. This time, the crowd comprised of 28 souls which traveled on 4 boats of around 50ft length
KMyMoney 5.0.4 released
The KMyMoney development team is proud to present version 5.0.4 of its open source Personal Finance Manager. It took us a while, and now it is ready: KMyMoney 5.0.4 comes with updated documentation. As usual, problems have been reported by
Convert od output to binary
Recently, I got a block of standard od -c output and needed that in binary form. Here’s what I came up with: !/bin/bashwhile read -r p; do IFS=’ ‘ read -r -a array <<< “$p” for index in “${!array[@]}” do
Getting rid of things is not easy
Every now and then, a KMyMoney user asks why he or she cannot delete an account, category or another other object in his data set. Well, the answer is easy: KMyMoney prevents them from destroying the integrity of their data.
KMyMoney 5.0.3 released
The KMyMoney development team is proud to present version 5.0.3 of its open source Personal Finance Manager. Some problems have been reported by many of you and the development team worked hard to fix them in the meantime. The result
On the other side of town …
… or “how does KMyMoney map accounts to/from AqBanking“. Since the author of AqBanking recently posted the question how this works, I think it is a good idea to document it in a publically visible way. First of all: why
A simple blank makes the difference
OFX is the Open Financial eXchange protocol used by various financial institutions in a few countries. KMyMoney provides an OFX client implementation using the open source LibOFX library allowing users to import transactions directly from the bank’s server without using
Updating openSuSE – math fun
Now that KMyMoney 5.0.2 is released, I prepared to upgrade my development system from openSuSE 42.3 to Leap 15.0. This involves creating a drive image comparing the image with the original disk and then running the upgrade procedure. Triggered by
KMyMoney 5.0.2 released
The KMyMoney development team is proud to present version 5.0.2 of its open source Personal Finance Manager. Although several members of the development team had been using version 5.0.1 in production for some time, a number of bugs and regressions