After a very long time, the KMyMoney development team is about to start the release cycle for the first release of its personal finance manager application based on KF5/Qt5. Various reports show us that people are already using the master branch in their production environment, as several team members have also done for at least a few months.

So, the upcoming weeks will be taken up with testing and fixing anomalies. It will also give the translators time to update their work, although the current
state is already very promising (see overview of l10n team). A string freeze will begin soon.

On the documentation front, we can build on the existing work. Since the 4.8 release, there have been few significant changes which would require major changes to the Handbook, although there are numerous areas suitable for small adjustments or improvements.

2018-01-05: Create new stable branch 5.0 and inform kde-i18n-doc, Code freeze on 5.0 (only bug fixes from now on)
2018-01-12: String-Freeze on 5.0 branch (ready for screenshots) and “What’s new” page must be finished too
2018-01-26: Finish Release Notes compilation
2018-02-02: Finish documentation (English) and UI translations
2018-02-03: Tarball creation and tagging for 5.0.0
2018-02-04: Release time for 5.0.0

Beforehand, we will release the Alkimia library in version 7.0.0. Since this is a UI free library there is no translation involved. This library is a pre-requisite for KMyMoney 5.0.

The team knows that this plan comes with a short notice, but has decided not to postpone a KF5 release any longer and so being prepared for a fade out of KDE4 support on major LINUX distros.

Rome wasn’t built in a day