KMyMoney as a financial application deals with numbers a lot. As a KDE application, it supports internationalization (or i18n for short) from the very beginning. For accuracy reasons it has internal checks to verify the numbers a user can enter.
Electric circuits on a sailboat
For the fourth time I went on an 8 day sailboat trip in the Aegean Sea along with a group of sailing enthusiasts. This time, the crowd comprised of 28 souls which traveled on 4 boats of around 50ft length
Convert od output to binary
Recently, I got a block of standard od -c output and needed that in binary form. Here’s what I came up with: !/bin/bashwhile read -r p; do IFS=’ ‘ read -r -a array <<< “$p” for index in “${!array[@]}” do
Updating openSuSE – math fun
Now that KMyMoney 5.0.2 is released, I prepared to upgrade my development system from openSuSE 42.3 to Leap 15.0. This involves creating a drive image comparing the image with the original disk and then running the upgrade procedure. Triggered by
Incanto unexpectedly died at age 12
Well, it was a while ago that Incanto gave up after 12 years of excellent service. So you might think, who the hell is this Incanto dude? To make it simple: it’s our fully automated coffee machine serving what most
Don’t shoot yourself in the foot when using QTimer::singleShot
This blog entry has been written due to a discussion that took place on KDE’s source code review system lately. The use case is as follows: A user types in a URL into a text widget and the application shall
Hello world!
After a long time living without a blog it is now time to start it. So: let’s go.